LCCAA - Cubicle Doors
Lorain, OH
July 2020
The Lorain County Community Action Agency (LCCAA) began in 1966 as a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-to-moderate income individuals and families in local Ohio communities. It later joined the national partnership known as The War on Poverty and implemented successful programs locally including Head Start and Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
We’ve provided the LCCAA with office space planning, interior design tips, and office furniture installation in the past. This time they needed us to modify existing cubicle furniture to create a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, as part of their business continuity plan for pandemic protocol.
The office layout had eleven large 8’x8’ O2™ Corporate Office Furniture Workstations with a combination of 53”H and 67”H cubicle panels and wide open entrances to each desk area. To help mitigate pandemic spread we recommended a few changes to the cubicle configuration.
First, we replaced the panel partitions along the common aisleways and at each cubicle entry with taller, wider office panels and strategically placed cubicle windows where visual contact was still necessary. Then we added a 36”W sliding cubicle door to create an enclosed work pod and added social distancing floor graphics for each entry point.
Finally, we clamped 14"H clear plexiglass dividers on top of all remaining 53”H workstation partitions. This has become a widely popular economical approach to adding workplace shields to existing furniture with the least amount of product and labor costs.
Colors for Office Stations